My dream CPU

Program Examples

Hello World - Sum 2 numbers
0 I: rA <-- #2 ;Load register rA from Int unit with 2
2 I: rB <-- #3 ;Load register rB from Int unit with 3
4 I: AplsB --> M[]300 ;Store( rA + rB ) in address 300
6 ENDPRG ;End of program. This is not instruction, it is assembler directive.

Hello World - Sum 2 floating numbers
0 A: rBs1 <-- #1000 ;Load register rBs1 from Adress unit with 1000
2 D: rA <-- M[rBs1,]0 ;Load register rA from Int unit from address pointed from register rBs1
4 I: rB <-- M[rBs1,]2 ;Load register rB from Int unit from address pointed from register rBs1 with offset 2
6 I: AplsB --> M[rBs1]4 ;Store( rA + rB ) in address pointed from register rBs1 with offset 4
8 ENDPRG ;End of program. This is not instruction, it is assembler directive.
. . .
1000 2.0
1001 0.4
1002 5.0
1003 0.7

Stack example
0 I: rA <-- #7 ; Load register rA with 7
2 I: rB <-- #-10 ; Load register rA with -10
4 I: push rA ; Push register rA in stack
6 I: push rB ; Push register rB in stack.
8 I: pop rA ; Pop register rA from stack. Now it is -10
10 I: pop rB ; Pop register rB from stack. Now it is 7

Result is: values in rA and rB in Integer unit are exchanged.

If example
0 I: rA <-- #2 ; Load rA with 2
2 I: rB <-- #3 ; Load rB with 3
4 I: if ( A < B ) jump #10 ; If rA < rB then jump to address 10
6 I: AplsB --> M300 ; Calc sum rA + rB and store in address 300
8 A: rIP --> #12 ; Jump to END program
10 I: AmnsB --> M300 ; Calc subtraction rA - rB and store result in address 300

Result is -1 in memory address 300.

Hello World - For loop Example
0 I: rA <-- #1 ; Load rA with 1
2 I: rB <-- #5 ; Load rB with 5
4 A: rMaxX <-- #5 ; Load rMaxX with 5
6 A: IfMaxX rX1 >= rMaxX ; #16 ; If rX1 > rMaxX jump over the body cycle mem adr 16. Cheking FOR loop condition
8 I: AmulB --> M120 ; Calc rA * rB store result in memory address 120
10 I: rA <-- M120 ; Load rA from memory address 120
12 A: IncX rX1 #1 ; Increment rX1 with 1
14 A: rIP <-- #6 ; Jump to memory address 6. End loop body.
16 ENDPRG ; program end

Hello World - Register to Register Example
0 I: rA <-- #1 ; Load I rA with 1
2 I: rB <-- #2 ; Load I rB with 2
4 D: rA <-- #3.4 ; Load D rA with 3.4
7 D: rA <-- #5.6 ; Load D rB with 5.6
10 I: rA --> D: rA ; Set D rA whth value from I rA, 1
12 D: rB --> I: rB ; Set I rB with value from D rB. Int part only 5

Hello World - Boolean operations Example
0 I: rA <-- #1 ; Load rA with 1
2 I: rB <-- #2 ; Load rB with 2
4 I: AandB --> M200 ; Calc rA & & rB and store in memory address 200
6 I: AorB --> M201 ; Calc rA | rB and store in memory address 201
8 I: AxorB --> M202 ; Calc rA ^ rB and store in memory address 202

Hello World - Shift operations Example
0 I: rA <-- #1000 ; Load rA with 1000
2 I: rB <-- #2 ; Load rB with 2
4 I: AshlB --> M200 ; Shift rA 2 times in left, store result in memory address 200
6 I: AshrB --> M201 ; Shift rA 2 times in right, store result in memory address 201
8 I: AshrrB --> M202 ; Shift rA 2 times - unsigned right shift, store result in memory address 202

Bubble sort

This simple program demonstrates bubble sort algorithm, using SortAB instruction. Program can be optimized, but it is only for demo use.

0 A: rBs1 <-- #1000 ; Load rBs1 with 1000. Here is the beginnig of array to be sorted.
2 A: rX1 <-- # ; Load rX1 with 0. clear
4 A: rMaxX <-- M950 ; Set rMaxX with value in address 950. Array size.
6 A: IfMaxX rX1 >= rMaxX ; #22 ; Start loop, loop condition check. If rX1 > rMaxX, then skip body loop.
8 I: rA <-- M[rBs1, rX1]0 ; Load rA with element from the array. Element adr is rBs1 + rX1
10 I: rB <-- M[rBs1, rX1]1 ; Load rB with next element from array. Element adr is rBs1 + rX1 + 1
12 I: SortAB < & IfNoExch #18 ; Sort A,B. If there is no exchange, jump to 18 - Skip store of elements.
14 I: rA --> M[rBs1, rX1]0 ; Store rA in array in position rBs1 + rX1
16 I: rB --> M[rBs1, rX1]1 ; Store rB in array in position rBs1 + rX1 + 1
18 A: IncX rX1 #1 ; Increment rX1, wich point element in the array to be sorted.
20 A: rIP <-- #6 ; Set rIP to 6. Unconditional JUMP. Jump to begenning of the loop.
22 A: rX1 <-- #0 ; Clear rX1, wich point element in the array.
24 I: rA <-- M950 ; Load rA with array size from adr 950.
26 I: rB <-- #1 ; Set rB to 1
28 I: AmnsB --> M950 ; Decrease array size with 1 and store result in adr 950.
30 I: rA <-- M950 ; Load Array size. The rest part from it, unsorted.
32 I: rB <-- #0 ; Set rB = 0
34 I: if ( A > B ) jump #4 ; If rest array size is > 0 jump to adr 4 - repeat sort with rest array part.
36 ENDPRG ; End of program directive.
. . . . . . ;
950 19 ; Contain array size. Decreased on every loop. ; 20 elements
. . . . . . ;
1000 57 ; Begin of array which will be sorted. element#0
1001 100 ;
1002 33 ;
1003 21 ;
1004 17 ;
1005 1 ;
1006 6 ;
1007 18 ;
1008 81 ;
1009 28 ;
1010 83 ;
1011 38 ;
1012 85 ;
1013 68 ;
1014 87 ;
1015 88 ;
1016 89 ;
1017 12 ;
1018 23 ;
1019 77 ; End of array. Element #20.
. . . . . . ;

Hello World -
0 ;